How I Take Care of ME
Updated: Jun 2, 2023
Welcome to The Chronicles of The Prophet's Wife!
My Beloved Sisters, you might wonder, "what exactly is The Chronicles of The Prophet’s Wife.." Quite simply, this is an account or public journal of the journey in the making of a young woman who is chasing after God’s intentions for her life.
A wife, mother, sister and friend, but above all, somebody who walks in the shoes of The Prophet’s Wife and has the stripes to show for it. This is my journey, but willing to share it with you all because You don’t have to make a mistake in every situation before learning and acting better.
Mentoring minister’s wives, pastors' wives and those aspiring or already on the path of that journey. 'The Chronicles of The Prophet's wife' is more extensive than me: Josephine Enumah. It's more than simply a blog and forum because it is written by a woman dedicated to the community and body of women to unite and empower women on this path.

You all know that I started ministry with my husband: Apostle John Enumah, but I didn't know what I know now, then. If I had known what I know now, then I wouldn't have felt alone as I did and would have done things differently. You're watching my journey unfold before your eyes as I write letters to my younger self. Take these notes and run with them for your own upcoming and do the same for others you find under your wings - that's the right way! That is what I define as a Dynamite of the Lord Most High.
I suppose we are continuing the sub-series on the discussions of what Pastor's wives don't tend to open up about. Today's blog speaks on: How I Take Care of ME!

My sisters, truthfully, it's the little things that keep me sane. As I was thinking of what I would share with you for this week, I was quite literally having some "ME" time by catching up with a series on Netflix, snacking and washing it down with a cup of tea. Time for yourself is REQUIRED for better mental health, and it gives way to balancing out your being at the end of the day or even in the middle of it!
It’s about being present with yourself, mind and body. ‘Me Time’ is the act of being intentional in time-out to recharge your batteries, realign your mind and rest. It's a way to express yourself and does vary from person to person. It can be achieved by meditation or yoga (Yes, stretches - I know there are a lot of questions around yoga. That's another topic in itself), having a bath, reading a book, Bible reading, going for a walk, worship or even getting your nails done. Essentially, as long as you’re alone with your thoughts and undertaking mindfulness during any activity, you’re successfully spending some quality 'ME time.'
I have to remind us (myself including) that if we don't take care of number 1, we cannot care for anything else as we would have nothing left to give. I realised not long after starting ministry that if I didn't look after myself, I could become consumed and forget that I, too, need looking after. Jeremiah 17:9: 'The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?' People who enter the Church thinking of themselves do not think about the virtue, time and soul you invest into pastoring them; they see it as a duty to forget that the resource is the human effort to execute.
The position of a Pastor's wife can be so rewarding. We get to share precious moments with families as they come to follow Jesus, we get to celebrate births and marriages and graduations with families, and we get to witness incredible "Come to Jesus" moments. But in the ever-increasingly busy world, we live in, self-care is more important than ever.

It's not uncommon for us to take on the burdens (spiritual, emotional, physical) of Church members. We weep with our members and schedules around, so our spouses or we can be present during a time of need. We miss out on family functions due to church scheduling conflicts, and much more we sacrifice to keep things going. It's also not uncommon for us to fill in the gaps at the church. When a minister or department head can't attend church, we fill that role. When the bathroom runs out of soap, we find all means to replace it; when we fall short on volunteers, we enlist the help of our children.
Quite simply, it's just what we do. Most of us are happy to do so because it's what we are called to do. But it does get more and more difficult to pour from an empty cup.
My question to you today is, what mechanisms will you engage to keep yourself going and the Church too? How much are you relying on Jesus being the HEAD of the Church?
Ladies, these are the questions I leave with you and would love to hear from you, too.
Share it with your loved ones, and I'll see you again this time next week!
Happy Reading!!!!
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